At first, you will feel like an anatomically incorrect doll. Afterwards, you will enjoy the freedom and share the joy a baby feels having just discovered his toes.
Check out the Top 3 Uses for a Workout Jumpsuit:
1 - Actual Work
2 - Brunch
3 - Workout (size down if you want to skip a step and make full use of the interior sports bra)
Honorable mentions not to be overlooked:
* Best-Thing-EVER-To-Wear-To-A-Sample-Sale - Enthusiasts are well versed in the typical Sample Sale scenario and all too familiar with the lack of fitting room + time urgency combo.
* Pack Light - if you are ambitious enough to pack workout clothes on a trip, you may be discouraged by the outrageous "per piece" laundry fee. Contributing International Editor and Senior Correspondent Peter Lindberg has enjoyed his share of swankier hotels and commented on the efficiency of the piece, having experienced paying "upwards of $20 per piece. "
* ZZZ - Easy to fall asleep in after marathon session of Silicon Valley (nice shout last episode to our friends @Digg!)