73. 75. 68. 72. That's the weather line-up for this week. So, let's start acting like it.
First step, flip through the pages of Marie Claire's Spring Issue
While flipping through the pages, you may find yourself on PAGE 89 and pause. At length.
Photographer Anna Campanelli captured the perplexion on my face, having emerged from the wrong exit - searching frantically for my metrocard.
Readers, I don't want to tell you to what to buy for Spring weather. I mean, I DO, but first Id like to help shepherd you into the season by using what you already have. Like a mentorship program for your Spring / Summer dresses, without the Green Juice runs.
My favorite combo is Toasty on top + Tarty on bottom: keeping your trunk warm should be your #1 goal on the brisk walk to the subway. Your legs will become furnaces as you navigate the streets. They can be bare. So, select your lightweight cashmeres to pair with "springy bottoms." (Did I just discover the best band name?)
One of my favorite shops for layering pieces: &otherstories / pair this look with booties and squeeze out more wears of anything pony hair!
If Ive failed to lure you outside of your comfort zone of black only, that's on me. Let's revisit this in July. But at the very least...please consider a bag.
So there it is. For Spring we need thin layers to escort our looks to the dance. And choose color. Nothing shocking. I know. Just enjoy.