⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ NEWS FLASH⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
This happened.
Before we jump into the long overdue blog - bait that breath just a little longer - lets a take moment and recognize that 127 of our sisters just got sworn into Congress.
127 sisters in the house.
“I am the storm”
2018 introduced us to the Scandinavian concepts of Hygge and Lagom. Two words that:
a) no one can agree on how to pronounce
b) everyone seeks
Focusing on touch and balance in 2019, Im going to bring tactile awareness into my wardrobe. I want ruffles! I want pleats! I want fluffy! I want ruching…lots and lots of ruching!
Put bluntly, I want to touch myself…and like it.
My clothing should have movement and personality, giving me a break. If Im balls deep into my Dax Shepard podcast, my skirt can exchange pleasantries with the ladies on my left. Completely holding her own.
127 women.
We are moving up and it’s only Day 4.
I can’t wait to see what the next 361 bring. Let’s make each one count….