If a good stripe makes you lose control, you just might be a Francophile 🇫🇷
Hear at KIM NACI STYLE headquarters, we often ask ourselves, “ Would a French girl wear it?” and more recently, “Who’s turn is it to buy lunch?”
A favorite formula of a French girl? A feminine dress with masculine or ugly/pretty shoes…
Since its sunny on a Friday, Im going to share a secret. Remember when your chĂcest friend took pity and told you about that hidden Tribeca gem Anbar Shoes? It was like being invited to the Louboutin sample sale but with no lines, no limits and every single day! This is my Anbar. Sure, you have to push through the Memphistos and the Franco Sartos but we did it then and reaped the rewards. LaRedoute gives you quintessential French girl looks with Zara prices.
Add a bow and Poof!…its chic and Parisian
Really, anything you can tell yourself to get the confidence to wear it and own it. Another pro tip: any time I need an extra surge of confidence, be it an interview / the balls to wear a new color / new lipstick / high-waisted pant when I feel bloated … I listen to Icona Pop. Works. Every. Time.
I love your guts