Until I hire that pre-teen to redesign my website so that it harmonizes with my blog, I have to “link” you verbally. So, I appreciate the compassion…but I welcome judgement.
I am a Style Therapist. This means I help you create the look you covet. Maybe it already exists in your closet? This means a Closet Cleanout session takes place, during which I come to your home and break your ENTIRE closet into 3 categories: Treasure, Tailor and Toss.
But, Therapy? That part comes when you tell me why you’re keeping that Annie Sez blazer with the giant lapel and oversize buttons reminiscent of something Vanessa Huxtable would have worn on a job interview.
Signature Shopping is usually done after we’ve edited your closet. I do the pre-ship and just tell you where / when to show up. And I will always have snacks.
Everything is just better when you like what you’re wearing.